Solfeggio Products Generate a Scalar Energy Field with multiple Solfeggio Frequencies to subconsciously stimulate specific actions in your body.
SOLFEGGIO products
$499.00 Original price was: $499.00.$399.00Current price is: $399.00.
Portable Solfeggio Generator with Solfeggio Frequencies: 174hz, 396hz, 417hz, 528hz, 639hz, 741hz, 852hz
Schumann, Solfeggio, Therapeutic
$279.00 Original price was: $279.00.$229.00Current price is: $229.00.
Two in One Dual Purpose Frequency Generator Pendant for Targeted Individuals and EMF protection
The Solfeggio Products add special solfeggio frequencies to the basic scalar wave to achieve a dedicated function and specific results. This is based on a more powerful hardware platform to generate stronger Scalar Wave Fields which consist of two solfeggio frequencies. Different frequencies are used in each model.
The principle behind these products is to deliver Solfeggio Frequency Waves directly to your body by introducing them with Scalar Waves so they act faster and more powerfully within your system.
The Scalar Waves open your brain paths so that the Solfeggio Waves can enter directly into your brain receptors to perform their influences. Multiple Solfeggio Frequencies delivered directly to your brain via a Scalar Wave Bio-Field.
Scalar Waves produce a secondary field by motion of subatomic particles interacting with Human Aura and are able to be perceived by the human brain. These waves can travel far faster than the speed of light and encode the information of space and time into a timeless, space-less quantum of interference patterns. They can directly interact with your brain energy producing amazing beneficial results. QuWave Products generate these Scalar Waves combined with other specific Frequencies to stimulate your brain and to produce specific results.
The brain is a electromagnetic device, with a mix of chemistry and physics. Our brain pulses and vibrates like everything in the Universe. The brain pulse is measured like sound in cycles per second or Hertz. The machine used to measure brain waves is called an Electroencephalograph (EEG). EEG measurements have found that the brain creates electromagnetic waves in four distinct frequency bands.
Brain waves have been rigorously researched since they were first discovered early in the twentieth century. They are categorized in 4 categories: Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. During a day we experience all the brainwave patterns with a predominance of Beta.
To tap into your unlimited, creative, and supernatural power, it is necessary to bring down your brain waves to Alpha, Theta and Delta states. The lower your brain’s frequency is, the deeper level of meditation you experience. In such a brain-state, our right and left hemispheres integrate with each other to perform a specific goal. This is also known as ‘Whole Brain State’. With the help of QuWave Products we can get into this deeper state of our brain much easier. The ‘Whole Brain State’ can be achieved and the pineal gland can be activated in your brain to perform miracles in everyday life.
So far, the only way to experience the benefits of the Solfeggio Waves was through sound waves – you would need to listen to these musical tones constantly. And since these frequencies are too low to hear with the human ear, you would need to use Binaural beats which don’t work for everyone. This was very limiting because the exposure time was low and required your devoted concentration. Through extensive research and by applying our proprietary engineering technology, we have discovered how to deliver these stimulating frequency waves directly into the brain receptors continuously. We have combined our Scalar Wave Technology with Solfeggio and other Low Frequencies and developed a small hand-held device which constantly beams these stimulating frequencies directly into your brain at deep cellular level via your Scalar Bio-Field.
We generate a Scalar Wave with multiple low frequency brain stimulating signals. This Scalar Wave is able to directly penetrate into the human nervous system. This maximizes delivery of the Solfeggio Frequencies directly into the brain and allows continuous subliminal stimulation day and night, anywhere. Thus the benefits of these frequencies are multiplied by hundreds of times over just listening to musical tones for a short period of time.
These original sound frequencies were used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, which were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses.
These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.
There are Six Basic Solfeggio Frequencies. But a total of 18 frequencies were discovered which produce amazing results on the human consciousness. The Six Basic primary Solfeggio frequencies are (there are also many other frequencies):
396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
528 Hz – Love, Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
These Frequency Waves were found to generate specific Brain wave States. Using these Frequencies, therapeutic sound therapy can be used to realign the “out of sync frequencies” that people experience within their body and mind. By being exposed to these optimum frequencies, the desired changes can be made to the person being exposed.
The beneficial transforming properties of the Solfeggio Frequencies have been used for hundreds of years. Up to now, the only way to experience their benefits was through sound – you would need to listen to these musical tones. This was very limiting because the exposure time was low and required your devoted concentration.
Through extensive research and by applying our proprietary engineering technology, we have discovered how to deliver stimulating frequency waves directly into the brain receptors continuously. We have combined our Scalar Wave Technology with Solfeggio Frequencies and developed a small hand-held device which constantly beams the Solfeggio Frequencies (as well as other stimulating frequencies) directly into your brain via a Scalar Bio-Field.
We generate a Quantum Scalar Wave with multiple stimulating frequency signals. This Scalar Wave is able to directly penetrate into the human nervous system. This maximizes delivery of the frequency directly into the brain and allows continuous subliminal stimulation day and night, anywhere. Thus the benefits of these frequencies are multiplied by hundreds of times over just listening to musical tones.
Through research we discovered how to deliver these Solfeggio Frequencies directly into your consciousness. By directly modulating a Scalar Wave with Solfeggio Frequencies, we are able to beam them directlyto your sub-consciousness.
You are now able to be exposed to these beneficial frequencies continuously 24/7 even as you work and sleep.This method is 100 times as effective as if you were to just listen to musical sounds with earphones.
All things in this world have their own natural frequency which they are most comfortable with. When something is subjected to an external force, that object wants to resonate (vibrate) at its specific frequency – the frequency that is natural to the object. This phenomenon manifests throughout the universe.
This natural frequency of a Chakra is known as its “Resonant” frequency, and the phenomenon is known as “Resonance”. QuWave Products generate specific Solfeggio Frequencies which resonate with their specific Chakra energy points. This will re-energize the Chakras and align them properly.
The Solfeggio QuWave products, generate up ro three different frequencies:
1. Scalar Wave.
2. Solfeggio Wave #1 – modulated into the Scalar Wave, frequency depends on product
3. Solfeggio Wave #2– modulated into the Scalar Wave, frequency depends on product
(note that some products only generate one Solfeggio Frequency)
These frequencies are assimilated by the brain via the “tuning-fork” principle to get your brain more in tune with the relaxation alpha meditation state.
The product generates two types of Solfeggio Frequencies. Basically, these waves act like a tuning fork to make your brain waves vibrate sympathetically with the frequencies produced by the unit. These frequencies make your brain more receptive to change and more able to fight some of the cravings you might have which could lead to addictions.
In the past, there was no easy way to get your brain to get into the lower frequency Alpha states, because the frequencies associated with these states are very low, and too low for humans to be able to hear them. The only way one could get the effect of tuning to these brain waves, was through what is called “Binaural Beats”. Binaural Beats consists of listening to two frequencies on a headphone, where the difference in the frequencies is the sound you want to hear. For example, if you wanted to stimulate the Alpha frequency of 11Hz, you would listen to a beat of 400Hz in the left ear, and 411Hz in your right ear. Somewhere within these sounds, your brain might pick-up the difference 411-400=11Hz. Along comes the QuWave Scalar Technology which directly beams these low frequency Alpha waves, directly to your brain via a Scalar Carrier Wave. The way this works, is that a Scalar Wave is encoded with the Solfeggio Frequencies, and your brain is able to directly respond to the Scalar Waves because it is able to pick them out, or “hear them subconsciously”.
$499.00 Original price was: $499.00.$449.00Current price is: $449.00.